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Lesson 32: Courageous Upstanders

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Critical Thinking
  • 3. Collaboration
  • 4. Application
  • 5. Observations
  • Instructor Notes

    This lesson is also a great opportunity to remind students about ways to report and resolve bullying and other conflicts on campus and be sure to address any potential safety issues that might come up around being an upstander. Remind students that if they think they or someone else is or could potentially be in danger, they must report it right away (tell them where and how to report it).


    An upstander is a person who speaks up on behalf of someone else. If an upstander sees someone bullying someone on campus, they’ll speak up in a way that supports the person being bullied. This could mean reporting it to an adult or saying something to the bully. It’s important to analyze the situation to know if it’s safe to intervene yourself, or if you should get help from an adult right away. What can someone do when they witness someone being bullied or harassed?

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