Let us talk about your core values, your non-negotiable values. These are the values you find most important. What are some of your core values?
How might your core values help you achieve your goals?
What might be some ways to use your core values this week? What might be the outcome?
Critical Thinking
Consider the following situation on your own: You run a lawn mowing company and charge $100 per lawn and pay your workers $25 per lawn, keeping the $75 for your business. It is expensive to run a business, so you need this money to pay for advertising, your website, and all of the equipment which breaks down and needs to be replaced regularly. You do not share with the workers how much the customer is paying for their services because you are worried that the employee will want to be paid more money. On the one hand, you are providing work and equipment for the employee that they may not be able to get on their own. But, on the other hand, some of your employees might be upset about being paid enough and might be stealing your customers by offering to mow their lawns for $50 which would double their salary and be a benefit to the customer because they pay half the normal price. If you do inform your employees, it is possible they will become more loyal to you and your company, and they might not steal customers.
What do you do? Try to think of a few different things you could do (positive, negative, and neutral). What might the results of your actions be?
For a small group, each student presents their ideas to the whole class. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
For a larger group, divide students into small groups and have students present their ideas to the small group. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
Review your SMART goal and think about this upcoming week. How might your core values help you achieve your goal? What actions will you take? What might the results of your actions be?
How might your core values help you achieve your goals?
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