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High School Hip Pocket 8: Making Decisions

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Critical Thinking
  • 3. Collaboration
  • 4. Application
  • 5. Observations
  • Introduction

    Leaders need to make tough decisions. As a leader, you must be able to rapidly estimate a situation and make a sound decision based on that estimation. Hesitation or a reluctance to make a decision leads to individuals to lose confidence in your abilities as a leader. Loss of confidence in turn creates confusion and hesitation within your group. Judgment is your ability to think about things clearly, calmly, and in an orderly fashion so that you can make good decisions.

    Suggestions for Improvement: You can improve your judgment if you avoid making rash decisions. Approach problems with a commonsense attitude.

    How might making good decisions help you achieve your goals?

    How might you make good decisions this week?

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