Dependability means you can be relied upon to perform your duties properly. You can be trusted to complete a job. Dependability also means consistently putting forth your best effort to achieve the highest standards of performance. Suggestions for Improvement: You can increase your dependability by forming the habit of being where you are supposed to be on time, by not making excuses and by conducting every task to the best of your ability regardless of whether you like it or agree with it.
How might being dependable help, you achieve your goals?
What might be some ways to practice dependability this week? What might be the outcome?
Critical Thinking
Consider the following situation on your own: One of your teachers asks you to help a substitute teacher set up a video while the teacher is absent. While you are setting up the video, you find a copy of an upcoming (and very difficult) test.
What do you do? Try to think of a few different things you could do (positive, negative, and neutral). What might the results of your actions be?
For a small group, each student presents their ideas to the whole class. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
For a larger group, divide students into small groups and have students present their ideas to the small group. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
Review your SMART goal and think about this upcoming week. How might you work better with others to help you achieve your goal? What actions will you take? What might the results of your actions be?
How might being dependable help, you achieve your goals?
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