Culture is a system of both specific and implied meanings, beliefs, values, and behaviors shared by members of a community or a group, through which experience is interpreted and carried out. Culture determines the way we act, how we relate to others, and think about and interpret events happening around us.
A cycle of prejudice begins when we start judging other cultures by our own set of standards to define the world around us. Lack of knowledge or an unwillingness to learn can result in an unintentional conflict and or misunderstanding. The prejudices are often based on imperfect information and are normally filtered through the individual’s background and experiences.
What might be some ways we can proactively stop the cycle of prejudice? What might be the results of our actions?
Critical Thinking
Consider the following situation on your own: You find out that some members of the group you lead have had a group text with memes and prejudicial comments mocking the cultural food of another group of your teammates. You find out about it when the group’s supervisor suspends the members of the group text. You are worried about the group members that were targeted by these texts. Also, two members that were suspended complain to you that they did not start the group text and should not be punished.
What do you do? Try to think of a few different things you could do (positive, negative, and neutral). What might the results of your actions be?
For a small group, each student presents their ideas to the whole class. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
For a larger group, divide students into small groups and have students present their ideas to the small group. Provide opportunity for positive feedback from peers or support if they are struggling to think of ideas.
Review your SMART goal and think about this upcoming week. How might you practice being accountable to help you achieve your goal? What actions will you take? What might the results of your actions be?
What might be some ways we can proactively stop the cycle of prejudice? What might be the results of our actions?
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